Sunday, April 15, 2007

Privacy on the web

I find the discussion on personal privacy this week quite intriguing. It's amazing how some people are very sensitive and protective of their privacy while others are willing to share so many personal details on the web.
I'm surprised sometimes when I look at some of the myspace or online diary of other people. Among these, I would find pictures of themselves, their birthday, a very detail description of their activities (time, place, other people name) I wonder if they just don't think it's such a big deal or they are not aware of the potential danger of allowing random people to have access to this kind of information?
I personally feel very strongly about personal privacy and being very careful about it. I would be very careful about sharing them on the Internet because you'll never know who have access to it and what they can do to you.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

World Language Materials at Public Libraries

I work at a public library and sometimes I check out materials in Vietnamese language for my friends to read. Last year, I checked out a couple fiction books that were written by authors in Vietnam. The stories were written about love during the war. The stories depicted characters from the "Communist". Well, some my friends were shocked that this kind of material would be allowed in the library. Since the Vietnam War, the refugee communities in the US and other part of the world have been very sensitive regarding materials that depict political issues. It was a controversial debate among friends. Some think that just because a few characters in the stories were Communist, the book shouldn't be banned from the library. Others, on the other hand, think that the library should be more selective on materials since they are serving the refugee community and should be more sensitive toward this group. In other words, they shouldn't have this material at all.

I would agree that the library should be more selective too. The problem with foreign language materials selection is that most of the time libraries hire a person to select from a language that he/she doesn't speak thus the choices are not always the best to add to the collection.